Yowza it has been a crazy trip! I am finally at the airport in Frankfurt in between flights. I am currently sitting in the Lufthansa lounge working on my 2nd cappuccino and wondering if my fellow travelers will think it weird if I do my jaw exercises. I have been slacking these past 10 days. It's hard to find 3 hours in your day to sit there and contort your mouth. I find that doing this in public causes people to think you have turrets and/or scare small children. I better buckle down this next week so I can reach my goal of opening my mouth 41mm by my 3 month post op.
My broken face really wasn't as much of an issue on this trip. I could always eat almost anything, no additional swelling or pain. I did notice my jaw clicking and popping a lot but I think that is because I have been skipping my jaw exercises so it is tight.
Nothing much to report on the jaw recovery front but I did have an amazing weekend in Abuja with one of my best friends, Heather. After my week in Lagos, I flew through Abuja on my way home to see her since she is a teacher at an international school there. It was a nice change of pace from Lagos where i had 5 armed guards accompany me to the airport and was not allowed out of the office or the hotel without security. However in Abuja (which apparently is more dangerous) Heather and I hopped around the city on our own sans scary Nigerian men with big guns.
Our first night we had pizza and beer at an outdoor beer garden overlooking the national mosque. The following day we spent at the pool at the Hilton, sipping diet cokes and people watching. That night I helped her chaperone the middle and high school dance haha. You know what's awkward? Watching 11-18 yr olds trying to grind on each other to Nigerian rap music. She rewarded me for my chaperoning duties by taking me to a "bush bar". This literally is just an open air bar in the bushes with cheap beer. I'm pretty sure my company would NOT be happy about that so we are going to keep this a secret ok? Julian/Steve - don't tell the big boss or he may never let me travel again.
My last day we had a true Sunday Funday and drank ciders by the pool all day. I even have a nice little sunburn to take home with me :-) this is definitely the first time I've come home from a business trip with a tan!
Ok, just one more 10 hr flight to go and I get to shower, snuggle with my dog and spend Twin's last night catching up and hanging out.
2 photos for you today: one profile pic and one that I took with my iPad upside down on accident
Lung cancer often goes unnoticed in its early stages. As the disease develops, a persistent cough develop and chronic cough worsen. include chest pain, shortness of breath, hoarseness, bloody fluid coughed up from the respiratory tract, and frequent bouts of bronchitis or pneumonia. Sometimes the first was bone pain, headaches, dizziness,I was so piss off and tired of my life until i read about Dr Itua herbal medicine on blogspot i really thought it was scam when i first contacted him so little time i think about it and bought the herbal medicine which i took for three weeks and i was totally cured his treatment is so unique,I never thought i will be able to be free from Lung Cancer.But not only this Lung Cancer This great man can cure,Dr Itua also told me he can cure such diseases like... COLORECTAL CANCER, BLADDER CANCER, PROSTATE CANCER, KIDNEY CANCER, LUNG CANCER, SKIN CANCER,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,