Tuesday, May 7, 2013

4 month update

So its been 4 months and i feel like I'm completely back to normal. I can eat everything except crunchy granola bars and big bite sandwiches. The residual swelling is the same, just a little in my lower left and cheeks. Another year and it will be gone, I only notice it in pictures where I'm smiling really big. It kind of looks like I had Botox in my cheeks to which my mom replied "hey, people spend a lot of money to have cheeks like yours right now so enjoy it". Again, there is always a silver lining. My free cosmetic surgery side effects from this jaw surgery so far have included a free chemical peel and now all natural Botox!

Pain is basically non-existent. Sometimes my right jaw joint gets a little sore but I think the muscles are still rebuilding their strength as I regain my ability to chew again. Biting into a chick-fil-a sandwich today was pushing my limits and my jaw is aching a little bit because of it.

I go back to the orthodontist tomorrow where he is supposed to put on my finishing wire and officially let me off the hook with the retainer! I cannot wait to get this hunk of plastic out of my mouth. The top of my mouth is all healed and no longer swollen so the retainer is actually a little loose. It occasionally pops out when I'm eating...let me tell you, thats really fun when you are at a business lunch and your retainer comes out and gets stuck with food under it. On more than one occasion I have had to use a napkin, cover my mouth, and take it out. I won't miss this. Not even a little bit.

The ortho also mentioned that my braces should come off in the next 3-5 months! This is going to be the most exciting day! I was originally told it would be 21 months of braces but it actually will only be about 14 months. As a 27 year old single girl, this was music to my ears lol.

Enjoy the 4 month pics! I took one of my retainer so you can see what I have been wearing 24/7 the past 4 and a half months ;-) I even cleaned it off for you, you're welcome.


  1. The braces are off so soon!!! That's incredible

    I laughed out loud at your moms comment. Mama knows best!

  2. So glad to have found your blog. My 15 yr old daughter had upper and lower jaw surgery 6/4 and your site has been so helpful! Thank you and take care!

  3. I am so glad I found your blog. I am going to be having double jaw surgey w possible chin movement also. My upper jaw is shifted to the right and I can't bite down and close all the way on the right side. This has helped me to understand more of what's to be expected and the long journey it will be but will be worth it in the end

    1. Best of luck to you Ali. I'm so happy my blog has been helpful. I found someone else's blog when I was preparing for my own surgery and it was a huge help to me too; this is my way of paying it forward. Let me know how your surgery and recovery goes!

  4. Day 2 post op I look like a chipmunk. Surgery went 5 hrs w complication of my lower jaw breaking in a spot all by itself. Very painful and swollen but I keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end.
