Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 1

Sorry these posts are a little late. I honestly though I would be up for writing. Well, the surgery took a little longer than usual. Usually it's 2 1/2 hrs but because they had a little more work to do on mine, my mouth is tiny, and then they had to cut some wire (and then lose it) it took about 3 1/2. When I woke up my eyes and throat hurt more than anything else. I had to be intubated so long I could barely swallow. Then apparently my Corneas got scratched so not only was I in pain, I felt like I was blind because I couldn't open my eyes!
I guess I didn't think the hospital portion could be that bad but for me, my surgery was more intense than most people. Not only were they realigning both jaws, but also removing a portion of the lower left mandible.

The pictures below aren't pretty, don't say I didn't warn you!

1 comment:

  1. This is currently exactly what I look like right now! We had the same issues (although it was my lower right jaw that grew longer).. I had Lefort I, BSSO, genioplasty, and all four wisdom teeth extracted yesterday morning. I've enjoyed reading your blog from last year.. It has already given me a good idea of what to expect during recovery :)
