Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 21

Today was the worst day! When my eye swelled up yesterday I thought it was just a normal part of the healing roller coaster. Well, I woke up at 2am last night in pain and intense discomfort. Oh, and did i mention my eye was almost completely swollen shut?! I took some pain meds and tried to go back to sleep. At 5am i woke up again and knew I wouldn't be making into work today. My friend Tiffany got my early morning text and was at my front door at 7:30am with frozen peas for the swelling. I called the surgeon's office later in the morning and they told me I needed to come in. So Tiffany immediately drove me downtown and as soon as the doc saw me he knew I had an infection.

It turns out I have a surgery site infection in my sinuses. Apparently this is rather serious and they had to do a procedure under local anesthetic right there in the office to reopen my stitches and drain the fluid. I was absolutely freaking out because I had to be awake for it. I had already eaten a smoothie that morning so they couldn't put me under. I was crying and shaking violently the whole way through. Not my bravest moment. I won't get into the details but it was not pleasant to say the least. I'm now on super strong antibiotics for another 2 weeks and have to flush out my sinus cavity with a syringe 3 times a day. This whole day has been traumatic.

I also have to say a huge thanks to Tiffany who has been the most amazing nurse today. Not only did she drive me to the doc, picked up my prescription, made me milkshakes, ran out to get me ginger ale when I was feeling sick....she also helped me when I had to flush out my sinus. She totally kept it together during this disgusting process even when I got woozy and passed out. I would not have made it through the day without her. I have the most amazing friends :-)

So the big lesson for jaw surgery candidates today is: if you notice different swelling, especially under your eyes, immediately call your doctor. It's kind of a big deal.


  1. AWW DOLL! You poor thing! You look like you got punched in the face.
    Give Tiffany a squeeze for me, she is an angel.
    What an awful day, that visit to the doctors sounds tragic. Glad it's over.
    Hugs from DC! xxoo

  2. OMG, horrible! So glad it is getting better though!
