Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 20

Omg the lefty side of my face totally blew up today! It looks like I was either punched in the face or stung by a bee. Underneath my left eye is super puffy which is making my entire face look lopsided. Today was definitely one of the more uncomfortable days. The pressure under my eye is so annoying that I had to work from home in the afternoon. I'm wondering if the swelling increasing because of all the talking at work and jaw exercises I've been doing. Note to self: add that to my list of questions for my doc next week.

Then I got to drag myself all the way downtown for my first class of the semester. Energy Value Chain...riveting... I found myself hiding my face as i was walking into campus though. Its one thing to get used to being around people you know, its a whole different ball game when you are surrounded by strangers and feel like people are staring. After getting out of class at 9 and driving 45 minutes home, it was a looooong day.

Thought of the day: is it possible to make macaroni and cheese soup? I've decided that I'm going to try and start making all my favorite foods into soup form. I'm pretty sure anything is possible between a blender and a crockpot!


  1. Hi Meghan! Thanks for your blog.... seriously, it's making me really excited to see all that you are posting and your amazing pictures... I'm hoping for surgery this summer, and I just really want to have a straight face and smile! haha.

    I'm definitely one who can handle physical pain and discomfort and all that, but for me the hard part is handling it emotionally, and people looking at me and stuff haha. I have definitely been building up my confidence over the past few months, but my worry is the weeks of swelling. So I'm just wondering... what kind of advice do you have for the emotional/confidence/self-esteem side of this surgery?? I'm excited about what the end result would be, but the road to getting there haha... I would just really appreciate hearing your advice and insight! Thanks!

  2. Lauren you will be fine i promise! By the 2nd week you will be used to being swollen and you'll already start to see it decrease slowly by the 3rd week. Just make it a funny adventure and something you will look back at, laugh and be like "Yep, I totally looked like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers, wasn't that hilarious?". My friends got really involved, nicknamed me "Sad Chipmunk" and held my cheeks in place for me everytime something funny made me laugh (because they knew it hurt at first to laugh and stretch my cheeks and stitches).

    Also, as for going into public, try Walmart. When you have 300 pound old ladies wearing tube tops and surgery patients with cath-bags strapped to their legs, you feel like you still hit the genetic jackpot and your embarassment level drops to 0%. You'll get used to it. I also wore a light scarf that i could pull up over the bottom of my face whenever I got a little embarassed.

    But the most important thing is just to make it funny, because having a fat face is kinda comical. Even now 2 years later, I don't get embarassed by anything anymore so I think it was actually a really good learning experience for me.

    Good Luck!
