Today was another fun filled day of work and school (if I had my full range of facial expressions back I would be making a sarcasm face right now FYI). One of the negative side effects of not being able to eat properly is the fact that I can't regulate my body temperature. I am freezing all the time! It has been 70 degrees in Texas and yet I am wearing sweaters to keep warm. On the bright side, it was a perfect excuse to eat KFC mashed potatoes and gravy for lunch :-)
I then had a good visit at the orthodontists office today. He was excited to see me because he loves seeing the surgery patients progress. Having a great ortho who works closely with your surgeon is a definite must. They talk frequently and keep each other in the loop. Today's orthodontic updates:
~ he put a chain on my 2 front teeth to close my gap ( it was completely closed in 45 minutes!)
~ in 4 weeks he will replace my bottom wire and work on getting my lower bite in order because my back teeth don't touch in the right places yet
~ I only have to wear my elastics 8 hrs a day at night
~ he estimates that my surgeon will keep my retainer in for another 4 months
~ he won't worry about fixing my upper teeth and bite until the bottom is in the right place and my top jaw is completely healed/retainer removed
~ I should have my braces off in the next 7-9 months!!!!! That is 6 month ahead of schedule
I have decided that when the braces come off, I'm having a party. There will be party hats...and shots. You are all invited.
I also had a little emotional moment over my ridiculously large bowl of mashed potatoes today. I started thinking ahead to when I get my braces off and the swelling is gone and my face is straight... All these trials and tribulations will wrap up and I'm going to have an end product. I will no longer be a 26 year old with braces, my face will be straight and it won't break my heart anymore when I look at pictures and see a crooked smile. This whole process has been rough but I can honestly say that I don't regret any of it and it is going to be SO worth it!