Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 24

Sorry today's post is super late. I didn't get home until super late.

Today was another little step in the right direction. The swelling is almost completely down under my left eye. The lower left part of my jaw and my sinus is still swollen but it should continue to decrease a little every day. This whole infection thing basically put my swelling on the left side a week behind schedule. The doc had recommended we continue to flush out my incision site for a couple more days but I kinda stopped doing it. It really is a two person job and I can't see it. Here's hoping that its not a big deal....

My dad picked me up today to get me out of the house and into the fresh air. We took my dog izzy up to our town center, called Market Street, and had coffee, walked along the river-walk and relaxed in the perfect weather. For all you non-Texas folk, it was 78 degrees January! This is why I love Texas.

I went to a friends housewarming party and even though I wasn't drinking because of all my antibiotics, I still had a good time. Thankfully my friends know about my face so they were not constantly worried I wasn't having a good time when they saw a blank expression on my face. During a few particularly hilarious moments I was laughing so hard they would grab my cheeks for me and yell " oh no! Stop making her laugh, it hurts her cheeks!" The bright side of not drinking was that I could drive everyone home at the end of the night instead of everyone waiting around for cabs that may or may not even show up.

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