Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 27

Today got off to a rough start. The mornings are tough because there is literally nothing in my stomach so the meds make me sick. By lunchtime I feel much better. I even discovered a new soup today at a bistro by my house: middle eastern lentil, yummy! I also bought a pint of fresh squeezed carrot/orange/beet juice. Lets just say this- you can definitely taste the vegetables. Beets are supposed to be high in iron so hopefully this will help since I'm not eating as much meat as usual.

I noticed today that when I do my jaw exercises, my mobility towards the right is much less than the left. I think because they had to do a lot more work on the lower left and remove a piece, that the muscles have a lot more recovering to do.

Not much else to report today unless you would like to hear about my first exam of the semester. Happy Tuesday!

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