Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 74

It's been a good week. I managed to get in 4 hot yoga classes, 1 vinyasa class, and 3 Crossfit workouts, a couple wine nights with Lauren, and a delicious dinner at Jasper's steakhouse last night. My week was only marred by a minor poo incident...

To make a long story short: I live in an old houses so naturally the pipes are old too. Well as I sit on the couch watching my new favorite show, The Walking Dead, I hear a bubbling sound down the hall. At first I think Lauren is listening to bongo music in her room so I think nothing of it. Well when I go check out the bathrooms I realize that toilet bowl water is all over the floor and sewage is backed up into all the tubs! Oh great, my friend finally comes to live with me and my bathrooms are full of poo! After panicked calls to my landlord, the plumber is set to come out the next morning. However, I cannot even sleep in my room because it is connected to the bathroom and well....that's not the greatest smell :-( on the bright side, I made it to the 6am yoga class! Partially motivated by my need to burn off the cupcakes Tina ate for dinner but mostly so I could shower at the studio... So the lesson is: even when your house is overrun with shit, there is always a silver lining.

I really enjoyed getting to spend some valuable time with my best friend/twin. She has been staying with me for the month and it has been amazing. She's so easy to live with that I never want her to leave! We are very alike in a lot of ways: our love of the Olsen Twins, good food, yoga, and staying in drinking wine and watching tv instead of going out partying. But we're also opposite in a lot of ways. She is vegan/ vegetarian most of the time while I am a natural carnivore. She is mellow and laid back whereas I am high strung and moving at a million miles an hour. This is why it's been so great having her here- she balances me out. Hopefully I can retain some of her good influence when she leaves (almond milk, keeping up my yoga practice, putting good karma out there).

Here's a nice toothy smile just for you Twin :-)

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