Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 61

It's been a fun few days. After a stressful week of work and school, friday happy hour couldn't come soon enough. Twin got to meet most of my work friends and we all blew off some steam with our favorite after work margaritas. I was feeling daring and took a bit out of a chip and I did it! I don't really enjoy chips and salsa when the roof of my mouth is covered by the retainer but it still felt like an accomplishment. My friends even clapped haha. We then went out for Lebanese food and I could actually order food and eat with no substitutions! Kufta is a perfect example of soft meat so that paired with rice was a perfect meal.

Saturday was a lazy day of sitting on the couch watching tv. Once twin got home though we decided to go see Life of Pi since it won so many awards. They were right! It was an awesome movie. To keep up the trend of Oscar movies, we then rented Argo which was also awesome. A slow clap for Ben Afleck....

On the healing front: I'm feeling great. In comparison to days 3/4/5 which were the worst, I'm now like 5% of that. The only feelings of swelling or discomfort is a tiny bit in my nose. It just feels tight around my sinuses but not nearly as bad. I don't really have any pain except when I do my jaw exercises. I feel like I'm already healed even though I know I still have to take it easy. At the 3 month mark I'm going to ask the doc about wakeboarding. Maybe if I promise to not try any tricks or jumps that could possibly end in a face plant, he will give me the green light.

Ok off to join twin at the studio for some hot yoga!

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