Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 58

Today it has officially been 2 months! I can't believe it's already been that long. I look back at my pictures from those first few weeks and I cant believe how far I've come. Not only do I look physically different, but I feel better and am so happy with my straight face. Someone asked me the other day if knowing now how hard the recovery was, would I do it over again? The answer is yes, 100% yes.

At my 2 month post op, Simon the resident walked in and exclaimed "yay, it's my favorite patient!" Can you tell I was always teacher's pet? He said I looked great and that the swelling looks non-existent to an outsider. We then measured how far I can open my mouth and I'm up to 33mm! I've been slacking on my exercises the past few weeks so I should have progressed farther but as long as I can get to 41mm by my next appointment in 5 weeks then I'm good.

The doc then told me I can start eating "very tender chicken". Sooo pretty much the same stuff I've been eating. I need to cool it with the mashed potatoes and fried Oreos (damn you Tina!) or I'm going to gain back everything I lost.

Sadly, today was Simon the resident's last day of his rotation. I am really sad to see him go. He really was a huge help throughout this whole process. I gave him a hug when I left and I think I caught him a little off guard. What can I say, I'm a hugger.

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