Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 47

There are a a lot of jaw surgery blogs out there but not everyone has the same experiences. As a comparison, i've made a list things I have and have not experienced:

What didn't happen:

No breaking elastics
No bleeding out my nose
No syringe eating
Liquid diet actually not that bad

Things I did experience:

My nose kinda feels like its broken
Surgery site Infection
Only minimal drooling
Chipmunk cheeks

I also ran my first hash run yesterday! I had to tread lightly and could still feel a little pounding in my face as my feet hit the ground. I was worried that it would really hurt but instead, I twisted my bad ankle that morning and it hurt so much I forgot about my face. In light of this, I will now share with you how I got my hash name:

Hash names are given to you by the entire group after you do something stupid. They are sometimes vulgar enough that you would never tell your mother what your name is. Well, 2 years ago my accident proneness was in full force and I may or may not visited the ER 5 times in 27 days... These visits included stomach viruses, a botched spinal tap, and then a face plant into the concrete where I knocked myself unconscious. So after showing up to the hash run with a black eye and a laundry list acquired injuries....I was named "Mississippi Housewife". Yesterday even though I was in pain because of my ankle, I couldn't admit it to the group for fear of being forced to chug an entire beer out of punishment for living up to my name lol.


  1. Thanks for posting all this. It is really helpful. I am hopefully going to have my surgery in the next couple months. How soon after were you able to drive? Also, it seems you have an office job, but if you had a more physical job, say one that involved being on your feet all day and climbing ladders and heavy lifting, do you think you would have gone back to work so early after having surgery?? just trying to get an idea. anyway, thank you again. You look great. keep on keeping us posted.

  2. That's great Jennifer, I'm so glad my crazy experience can help. I went back to work after 2 weeks but it was still rough and I was at a desk job.i would recommend 3-4 weeks depending on your body. I went back to the gym at week 4 and was shaking uncontrollably afterwards. But by Week 6 I was feeling much stronger. If you eat (drink) enough you could probably go back to physical work after 3 weeks if you take it easy. I'd be careful on Ladders though, I got a lot of head rushes during that time.

    Keep me updated!
