Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 12

Today was a day or big accomplishments! I finally went back to the gym today. I work out at a small crossfit style gym and the trainer made me a special light workout for my first day back: rowing, leg extensions, assisted chin-ups and dips, and step ups. It felt so great to get my blood pumping again and actually use my muscles. I think going back to working out is an important part of recovery.

I also drove for the first time. Now that my neck isn't as sore anymore and I can actually turn it I felt safe to drive. I'm also no longer taking pain pills during the day which is equally as important.

Today's menu: peanut butter/banana smoothie, veggie juice, tomato soup, and blended Moroccan chicken soup yuuuumy :-)

On a lighter note i will now tell you The story of the Magic Bullet: one of my best friends who I call Twin, and her boyfriend sent me a Magic Bullet for Christmas. This was the most awesome present for 2 reasons:

1) I literally have been blending all my meals in this phenomenal kitchen appliance and has probably kept me from starving to death!

2) she remembers The Zach story:

I was in a terrible on and off again relationship for 3 years. One Christmas I brought over my gift for him. After 2 years he had never given me a single gift for holidays, birthdays etc but I never cared. I gave people gifts because it just made me happy. Well that particular Christmas, after he unwrapped his Calvin Klein sweater I gave him, he told me a story about how he ordered me a magic bullet because he knew I wanted one but it was on "back order". Needless to say that was a load of c**p. I never got the magic bullet.

Well Twin never forgot this story and so when I was preparing for the epic jaw breakage of '12, she knew she had to get it for me. So a special thank you to Twin and Silver Fox! I freaking love this thing!!!

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