Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 14

I think I jinxed myself in the sleep department. I was awake at 2:30 am and couldn't fall back asleep until 5:30. I did however make myself wake up at 8:00 so I can retrain my body to wake up early again for work.

I then had an appointment with my orthodontist. The entire staff at the ortho office knows me because I'm one of the few non-12 year old patients. The doc took a look inside my mouth (he had to use an instrument to hold up my fat whale lip) and said everything looks great and that I now actually have a bite! He didn't do any adjustments this time and I will be going back in 3 weeks. He wants to wait until its more comfortable to open my mouth so they can change the wires.

I then treated myself to a movie with my friend although when you have jaw surgery, there a more criteria to consider. For example: how much laughing might be involved? Are my cheeks too sore to handle comedy? This narrowed down the choices from 5 to 1.

Holy cow I ate (I mean drank) a lot today! My appetite saw a huge increase today, I just couldn't stop drinking all day! Wow that sounded bad... Anyways I splurged today and had 2 glasses of juice, coffee, ensure, a smoothie, blended chunky soup, a half cup of leftover soup, and a milkshake. My inner fat kid ( her name is Tina) took over, I had no control lol

Well tomorrow I'm back to the grind. I'm going back to the office for a half day then down to Houston for my 2 week post-op. stay tuned....

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