Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 2

Most of day 2 was spent in the hospital. Mid-morning they did a test to confirm corneal abrasions and after half a day of ointment, I could finally see enough to get released. I was miserable most of the day as the swelling started to increase. They say day 3 is the worst and I can definitely feel it setting in. On the bright side, my bite is perfect :-). You can't really see it past my huge chipmunk face but its straight!

I also have a few apologies for the day:
1) to the nurse I almost hit when he put anti-inflammatories in my IV too close to my hand and I thought my skin was burning
2) to the hot optometrist who I'm sure had to endure some nasty postop breath during my eye exam
3) to everyone who texted me and I couldn't respond to

Got to leave the hospital around 7:30 last night looking sexy...

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