Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 18

So today started off with about 4 cups of coffee and a trip to the dog park. My poor dog, Izzy, has been cooped up inside since my surgery. She laid at the foot of my bed every time I slept, keeping a watchful eye. Dogs really do make everything better.

It was a pretty lazy day as I want to make sure I'm rested for my first full week back at work AND school (I go to grad school at night). I also made it through a whole 3 hour movie at the theatre.

As for today's liquid food creations, I had leftover pizza soup (have I mentioned pizza is the first thing I'm eating when I'm back to solid foods?), a raspberry protein smoothie, wild rice and chicken soup, and leftover cupcakes blended into a smoothie yum!

Not much to report today so I will share with you a little story. At the movies, my mom was eating popcorn and it smelled so good that I was bummed I couldn't partake in the buttery salty goodness of movie theatre popcorn. Out of desperation, I, ummm I mean Tina, grabbed a piece of popcorn and licked it. My mom just started laughing. But what else could I have done? In total, I got to enjoy a total of 5 pieces of popcorn by licking the butter and salt off. Pathetic or resourceful? I'm going to tell myself it's the latter.

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