Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 16

2nd day back at work today and it was a full day. Surprisingly I wasn't tired. I think I'm eating enough now that I can keep my energy up throughout the day. On the downside it was birthday cupcake day :-( Once a month the entire office gathers together for cupcakes to celebrate the birthdays for the month. If I had known I would have brought my magic bullet to work and thrown my cake in their with some milk and made a milkshake! Sadly,I just sat there with my can of diet coke and watched everyone enjoy their cake. Being surrounded by yummy food that I could not eat woke up my inner fat kid, Tina. So when somebody passed around the order sheet for Girl Scout cookies that their daughter was selling, Tina had to buy some. And by some i mean 9 boxes.... it's for the kids right? I'm now counting down the days until I get to treat myself to a thin mint milkshake!

After work I went out for drinks with work friends. Thankfully my beer of choice is Guinness so it basically served as dinner. I originally thought that being on a liquid diet would significantly decrease my bar tab. Curiously enough I think my body has gotten so good at processing liquids that the alcohol had virtually no effect. I'm not a doctor but that seems backwards to me.

I also did all 3 hours of my jaw exercises today. Infact, I'm finishing my last set as I type. I discovered that if you download a Tabata timer on your phone, you can set the intervals to 30 seconds. This way instead of counting all the time, I can just wait for my phone to blow a whistle at me. Genius!

Today the girls at my office said they thought the swelling went down a lot in a few days. I hope that's true, I don't notice a difference anymore.

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